上妻宏光 - 暁の光 について・・・
Akatsukinohikari (from 4th album, "Beyond") "I started planning this tune when I was flying and watching the daybreak from the window. I was speechless and excited about the sense of strain at the moment when the sun came out. I feel like I've received huge power, and never forget that. (by Hiromitsu Agatsuma)
Akatsukinohikari 4th AL『Beyond』 (2004.1) 「この曲の構想を思いついたのは、飛行機の中から見た朝日なのですが、空から見る太陽が出る直前の緊張感は言葉には表せないものがあり、何か大きな勇気をもらった記憶が忘れられません」上妻宏光