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Minyo について・・・

"The song is actually an Okinawan Folk Song which is known as Min'yo always depicting either sadness , loss of loved ones , loss of hope , grievances , or finding new hope." Remember to share the music is to share the love. The lyrics were sent to me by a friend, if anyone knows where they came from, please send me a message so I can credit. ^__^ Arayashikiku no dei - (in search of a new land) Harasaku baku no dei - (let's build a new house) Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku - (by neatly gathering hay) Surajifushiro yondo - (to thatch the roof) Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku - (by neatly gathering hay) Fushigyurasa nejyuku - (neatly gathering hay) Surajifusero yondo - (to thatch the roof) Kirishigaki ku no dei - (at the stone walls) Kuganeya be tatei tei - (let's celebrate the golden house) Hare momo tobyuru wakya - (that was built) Ya uriba yuwa o yondo - (by a hundred carpenters) Hare momo to byuru wakya - (that was built) Momo to byuru wakya - (was built) Ya uriba yuwa o yondo - (by a hundred carpenters) Hateigachi ya naryuri - (august draws near) Tobibani ya neranu - (but i have nothing to wear) Hare utou katabani - (i want to dress up) Ya karachitabore - (brothers, lend me a sleeve) Hitotsu aru bani ya - (i want to dress the children and those i love) Kanasha se ni kusuitei - (with the single kimono i own) Hare wanu ya okuyama - (i will wear vines) Nu kazuradasuki - (that i picked deep within the mountains) Ojyuugoya no teiki ya - (the full moon shines) Kami gyurasa teryuri - (far and wide like the gods) Hare kana ga jyo ni tataba kumo tei taborei - (when my lover comes to visit, i wish the clouds would hide it a little) song also known as "mugen's death"





