富士山とラベンダー について・・・
撮影機材はCanon XF300。
撮影機材: Canon XF300 サンプル動画 撮影設定:1920x1080 50Mbps 30Pプログレッシブ デフォルト設定 編集:Adobe PremierePro プリセット:CanonXFMPEG2 1080P30→PhotoJpeg→iMovie→YouTube
Title: Mt. Fuji in Japan and lavender Garden.
The lavender flower blooms. Visitor's mind is healed. Natural scenery that represents Japan. Natural spectacle where Japan is represented. Sightseeing spot that represents Japan. The taking a picture place is Oishi park in the Japanese country Yamanashi Prefecture Kawaguchiko lake side.
The stroll road is maintained to the herb garden of lavender.
I feel the honey of flowers that sweetly drift in the wind.
It is peaceful in the throat. Calm, refreshing early morning.
Photo equipment: Canon XF300
setting: 1920x1080 50Mbps 30P progressive default setting
edit: Adobe PremierePro CS5 preset:CanonXFMPEG2 1080P30→PhotoJpeg→iMovie→YouTube
Thank you for seeing.