[ACS] All Hi-Ougis and Remakes FINAL (v.5.505) (Bosses, CPUs and Kyle included) について・・・
All Comands set enjoy
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Tales of the Abyss: (Command list added)
00:00 Luke&Tear
01:10 Jade
02:07 Anise
03:32 Guy&Natalia
04:36 Shink&God Generals
05:50 Nebirim
06:18 Kakashi Scarecrow
Tales of Vesperia: (Command list added)
06:21 Yuri
09:03 Judith
10:00 Alexei
Tales of Symphonia: (Command list Added)
10:19 Lloyd
11:00 Collet
11:45 Zeros
12:27 Pressea
13:01 Regal
13:30 Kratos
13:58 Yggdrasil
Tales of Phantasia: (Command list added)
14:05 Klarth
14:40 Suzu
15:16 Dhaos
Tales of Graces: (Command list added)
15:54 Asbel
17:26 Sophie
Tales of Destiny: (Comand list added)
19:10 Stan
20:45 Lion
21:55 Lyris
22:20 Mary
22:32 Hugo
Tales of Destiny 2 (Command list added)
22:57 Kyle
24:20 Nanaly
24:48 Barbatos
Tales of Hearts: (Command List Added)
25:30 Shing
25:51 Kohak
Tales of Innocense: (Command List Added)
26:24 Ricardo, Tria&Ange
Tales of Eternia: (Command List Added)
27:16 Rid
28:26 Fog
29:09 Shizel&Nereid
Tales of Legendia: (Command List Added)
29:38 Chloe&Senei
Tales of Rebirth: (Command List Added)
30:10 Eugene
30:46 Hilda
And the bosses Download enjoy