Engine Sentai Go-onger Shift Changer 炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー シフトチェンジャー について・・・
As I promised in my blog last week...here is the review for the 変身ブレス シフトチェンジャー Henshin Brace Shift Changer.
The Shift Changer is the Henshin Brace used by Go-on Green and Go-on Black in Go-onger. Unlike the Go Phone before it, the Shift Changer is designed to represent an actual car part: A Gear Shifter from an Automatic Transmission car. While the design would seem to use this function in the Engine, it actually attaches to the Steering Wheel/Handle Blaster.
The toy of the Shift Changer is true to the show. It comes with a Change Soul which features a uniques Henshin sound and the voices of Engine Birca, Gunpherd and Carrigator. Since this toy is a part of the Engine Soul System, you can use any Engine Soul in it.
To activate the Henshin sound, you need to shift the gear into Drive. There are two smaller buttons on the side. The left button activates the Horn sound of the three Engines that make up Gunbir-oh. The right button activates the alarm sound. Holding either left or right buttons down will give you a catchphrase by each Engine.
This is a pretty neat toy. Until the Wing Trigger came out, this was my favorite Go-onger Henshin Device. It sure beats the Go Phone in style and quality [i'll never get over the cheesey keypad on the Go Phone...or how chunky that monster is]. This is still a pretty cool toy. If you don't particularly like the Wing Trigger and are on the fence over this toy and the Go Phone...I recommend the Shift Changer.
It's also worth noting that this toy does disconnect from the Brace and can be hooked onto the DX Handle Blaster.
Bandai America has released their version of the Shift Changer as the Power Rangers R.P.M. Rev Morpher [Why Rev??]. This is wildly different from the Shift Changer in that it is not based on the Engine Soul System that the Go-onger toys use. Instead it features a much smaller, non-electronic card.
Thanks for watching my latest review! Check out my latest blog on myspace for a few mentions of what my next couple videos will be. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=369670221&blogID=433063872&Mytoken=383363D5-D90A-4E07-8CCA951AC8D8CF87235408154
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