尺八 榎戸二幸 について・・・
Born in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Studied Ikuta-school Soukyoku under the tutelage of her grandaunt Mikiko Kobashi, ex-professor at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music [School Carrier] Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Completed Master Course of GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music [ Awards winned ] 2007 Winner of the first rank prize at the YATSUHASHI KENGYO japan art contest 2005 ・Passed the NHK traditional Japanese music audition ・Commended for being excellent graduate of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and won the Akanzas music prize. ・ Winner of the first rank prize at the high school international art contest [ International performance] Participate in New Zealand, Germany, Italy ,France,baharean,buetnam, international goodwill performance sponsored by the Japan Foundation [ Domestic performance] 2008.11.7 The4th Fuyuki Enokido Soukyoku recital ( in GINZA OJI HALL) 2007 The3th Fuyuki Enokido Soukyoku recital ( in GINZA OJI HALL) 2006 The2th Fuyuki Enokido Soukyoku recital ( in GINZA OJI HALL) 2005 Fuyuki Enokido Soukyoku recital ( in Ebisu Maison Franco- japonaise) [CD] Fuyuki Enokido soundtrack collection「REIMEI」