

Home > 【東方星蓮船】 発熱巫女~ず -⎾STRIPES⏌ 【ランコ】

【東方星蓮船】 発熱巫女~ず -⎾STRIPES⏌ 【ランコ】


【東方星蓮船】 発熱巫女~ず -⎾STRIPES⏌ 【ランコ】 について・・・

[Title] - STRIPES [Arranger] - Maurits "Zen" Cornelis; Tim Vegas [Vocals] - ランコ (Ranko) [豚乙女 (Buta-Otome)] [Circle] - 発熱巫女~ず (hatsunetsumiko's) [HP] 発熱巫女~ず: http://hatsunetsumikos.net/ 豚乙女: http://butaotome.web.fc2.com/ [Album] - The Lotus [Catalog] - HTNT-007 [Track] - 03 [Release] - コミケット78 (Comiket 78) - August 14, 2010 (2010/8/14) [Original] 虎柄の毘沙門天 (The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten) Shou Toramaru's theme from 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object (Touhou Seirensen) [Illust] - なまもななせ http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1167548 Was hoping to use an image of a contemporary gender-swapped Shou but those are really lacking (I do prefer my Shou female (no particular reason, if you're wondering). Personally, I don't think this is their best release but this song is just awesome. Less work on imagery cause net was too slow to look for images and it saves a whole lot of time. Not to mention that I didn't really have much in mind in that department. *** Thought that black boarders on the top and bottom made the picture more badass (lack of better term).



【東方星蓮船】 発熱巫女~ず -⎾STRIPES⏌ 【ランコ】


