Touhou 7 - Perfect Cherry Blossom - Resurrection Butterfly -80% Reflowering- について・・・
Damn, longest 66 seconds of my life.
Yuyuko's infamous last spell card, the Lunatic version of Resurrection Butterfly, is arguably one of the most difficult cards to capture in the series. This time out card requires you to survive 9 iterations of hell (emphasis on the red diagonal streams followed by the bubbles), thus making it far more difficult than Spell 221 from Imperishable Night.
I actually captured this far sooner than I expected, but this is only more reason to be happier with this capture. Seeing those last blue and purple butterflies slow down and disintegrate into star items followed by seeing the words "Spell Card Bonus!" is an incredibly epic experience. This was a far more relieving capture than Virtue of Wind God because I still found Kanako fun to a degree after countless runs... on the other hand, Yuyuko began boring the hell out of me after only a handful of runs. Happy to have this accomplishment under my belt :)
Oh, and one last thing: enjoy this video in super high quality. In order to take advantage of YouTube's new HD features, this video was compiled in 960x720. Watch this using the HD 720p tag "&fmt=22" at the end of the URL and then full screen it, or just click the link under the video as noted by the annotation in the beginning. I dare you to do it. Just look how beautiful it is :P