{VOCALOID} [コメント付き] Love Is War {All 5 Charries and English Subs} について・・・
[UPDATE MAY 18, 2009 8:53 PM Pacific Time]
Lyrics by me and my friend, Siena
Mixed by me.
Picture: http://toonikun.deviantart.com/art/Vocaloid-Symphony-90605932
GIVE CREDIT. PLEASE. I WORKED REALLY HARD. ALL I NEED IS A "Translated by PichiKey and Soramimii" and we're FINE.
There is nowhere else to go
My love's weight feels heavy
Aaaaaah (Yeah Meiko's runs long XD)~
(And Kaito is the one with the guitar solo 8D)
Grey clouds that float overhead
this one colored dark city
the rays of sunlight create shadows
the night changes it color
The world bleeds life
Even with this I will always love you
It is obvious that I do not know what to do
What can I do?
I can, How?
What a fool I am
Let us begin this this love war
Because to me its clear that you are happy with another
One modest love
Shall become a sin
I will show you my heart and feelings about you
I shout for you in my megaphone
But it was just broken
I tried with all strength
Wishing you could see me, but I failed.
A clear sky passes, strange in this place
It was never meant to be here
I cannot control this crazy feeling
What can I do? How do I?
I am not crying. Don't tell me it's a lie.
Now lets battle our love a shot directly at the heart
There isn't time to backtrack on what happened
My skirt (or shorts/pants) fluttering and other stunning clothing
I'll make sure you watch me no matter what
I'll be sure that you break up
A war situation always goes wrong
I remain blind from love
The awakening will begin with that kiss of yours