豚乙女 ~ Greenwich in the Sky ~ について・・・
Album: 幻想ホモ・ルーデンス
Another first love in my channel, I think.
I just got this today, another of the very few things I still have from M3 u.u. I just listened a tons of good things from this album, then I wanted to check it. When I arrived to my shop, Noe was there and without saying nothing she put the first song. While she was doing it, she told this Buta-Otome thing has another album, and after listening the first 40 seconds I told her to order it, NOW. However, she already did because she wanted it for her. I will steal her when she get it D=.
This is new for me, this Comp guy arranges are totally awesome. Piano is played bu someone called Paprika, awesome as well. And the singer, Ranko, Im speechless. Now I seriously want that other album, but lets enjoy this one first.
Now lets see Renko's singing skills. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, this album was absolutely awesome o_o