Tensou Sentai Goseiger Gosei Great 天装戦隊ゴセイジャー ゴセイグレート について・・・
PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MECHA REQUESTS!!! I will make videos of what I feel like!
DX Tensou Gattai Gosei Great! DX 天装合体ゴセイグレート
Gosei Great is the first of several mecha for the Goseiger team. It utilizes different Gosei Headders (ゴセイヘッダー) for different techniques. Gosei Great itself is made up of five different Gosei Machines (ゴセイマシン). They are...
1. Gosei Dragon
2. Gosei Phoenix
3. Gosei Snake
4. Gosei Tiger
5. Gosei Shark
1. ゴセイドラゴン
2. ゴセイフェニックス
3. ゴセイスネーク
4. ゴセイタイガー
5. ゴセイシャーク
Each of the Gosei Machines in this set come with their own Gosei Headder. The Headders in this set are smaller than the Headders that attach to weapons such as the Gosei Blaster (ゴセイブラスター). In addition to the Headders, Gosei Great comes with a new Gosei Card (ゴセイカード) for use with the DX Tensouder (テンソウダー). The card is the Victory Charge (ビクトリーチャージ) Card, which is used to deal a final blow.
The neck and tail of Gosei Dragon dettach to form the Dragon Sword (ドラゴンソード).
I feel that much like the last two series, Goseiger has gone beyond the point of no return with it's mecha. There are just TOO MANY. While I never intend to make a video of any of the other Goseiger mecha, I have to mention this because it directly affects Gosei Great. Just look at all the exposed connecting points on this mecha. It looks like an unfinished mess. Even mecha as recent as Engine-oh managed to obscure or make connecting points discreet. With Gosei Great, you look at it and know that this series is going to be expensive. I'm not buying it, though. Much like Shinkenger, I saw where this is going and told myself that the buck stops here with the first mecha.
As for how this thing is styled... It's colorful, which is nice to look at. The design of the individual Machines are pretty terrible. Cheap little wheels attached to everything, little to no articulation, Gosei Dragon's legs are utterly useless, etc. When it's combined, it looks OK (aside from the aforementioned connecting points) but this thing is far from being a good toy. I genuinely cannot recommend this toy. If you want to buy a recent mecha, do yourself a favor and seek out an Engine-oh or Magiking. Those two aren't bad.
With the return of new Power Rangers series starting in 2011 with an adaptation of Shinkenger, I imagine that Gosei Great will see a release as a Megazord on American shores in 2012. Stay tuned...
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