Modern Gagaku Electric my way(我流現代電子雅楽) について・・・
There is a strange music called Gagaku. It sounds like the following famous "Etenraku"
Now, to most Western people, it appears that this sounds very strange because this is very different from what they know as Japanese "ancient" music. But it happens to be that this is the real ancient music of Japan considered to be created around 6-8th century as a court music for aristocrat.
If you ever visit Japanese shrines like the pictures shown on this video, you often hear these sounds and wonder what this is. Ever since I was born. I went to shrines every year on January 1st-3rd and heard this tune and it is somewhat sacred tune to me.
So, I tried my modern version with electronic sounds. I can never match the traditional one. But I tried because I am lost.