趣味工房にんじんわいん - 冥姫の祈りは唄となりて ~ Border of Life について・・・
Oh man, can Yuyuko's theme get any more classy than this.
Title: 冥姫の祈りは唄となりて
Better known as: Yuyuko Saigyouji's theme - 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life (Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life)
From: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
Artist: ARA
Circle: 趣味工房にんじんわいん Hobby atelier carrot wine
Album: 2009.08.15 [HACW-TA1011] SYMPHONIC QUEST II ~屠られし者たち~ [C76] (Touhou Orchestra Symphonic Quest II ~Hofurareshi Monotachi~)
Year: 2009
MP3 available at: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nzjidiyzojjyzj2
More info on the CD: http://vgmdb.net/album/14856
More info on the CD: http://www16.atwiki.jp/toho/pages/2398.html
Do take a look at this orchestral Touhou arrange CD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OHE9NH5D
Images are from danbooru and konachan. I do not own any of the images nor the music used in this video!