119特警隊台灣版-10 Rescue Force Taiwan version-10 レスキューフォース台湾版-10 について・・・
邪惡組識Neo Thera企圖將世界推向滅亡,引發各種超越人類常識的災害。世界消防廳挑選出五名精銳的隊員,成立119特警隊,期待已久的人趕快來看看,一起拯救世界吧!
Knowledge Neo Thera evil group trying to push the world towards destruction, causing all kinds of disasters beyond human knowledge. Fire Department selected the world's five elite players, set up Rescue Force, the long-awaited people, let's together to save the world now!
Traditional subtitles Chinese pronunciation
Part Ten: let's together complete the rescue relay